The term “Degendering” was first coined by Sociologist Juidth Lorber, a framework to remove the structure gender inequality in our society. In a “degendered society”, gender would no longer be a social category; all traits & behaviours could be expected of everyone. For example, aggression & dominance would no longer be considered masculine traits and domesticity & nurturance would no longer be considered feminine traits. There would be no “doing gender”.

Pre-degenderism: Products of our Gendered Past, is an exhibition set in 2059, where gender will no longer be an existing social category with dichotomously organised attitudes & behaviours. Hence, future generations could only learn of and understand our current gendered society through historical exhibitions. This speculative exhibition focuses on displaying everyday products and objects from the early 21st century, questioning the objectives behind the pointless gendering of these artefacts.

Special Thanks
︎︎︎Assoc. Prof Danne Ojeda, NTU School of Art Design & Media
︎︎︎Mustajab, Senior Executive, ADM Publicity and Outreach
︎︎︎Michelle Ho, Gallery Director, ADM Gallery
︎︎︎Clara Lim, Gallery Manager, ADM Gallery
︎︎︎Bridgel Sze, Production Assistant